Tuesday 21 June 2016

Artists and their artwork!

A great day of art making in 4D! It may be the end of the year, but students know how to focus their energy to produce great work!

Sunday 14 February 2016

La question du jour...

J'espère que vous passez une belle fin de semaine! La question du jour est...
Samedi la temperature était -30 avec le vent. J'ai marché pendant 45 minutes, patiné pendant 1 heure et 10 minutes, et fait une randonnée sur mes skis qui a duré 50 minutes. Quand est-ce que j'ai fait toutes ces activités?


Friday 1 January 2016

Bonne Année!

J'espère que vous passez de belles vacances! Voici la beauté selon moi... la neige, la nature et le ski de fond. J'ai hâte de savoir qu'est-ce que vous avez trouvé le plus spécial pendant les congés d'école!

Friday 27 November 2015

Farm to School

The blurriness of this photos shows how busy we've been in 4D this week! On Wednesday, along with our peers from 4I, we packed 220 bags of vegetables, sorted them by class and organized them in our classroom so that we still had a small space to work. Since then, the students have been helping families pick up their vegetables and have even encouraged people to buy more!

This project allowed the students to work together and problem solve in a different way. It has also allowed us to discuss the importance of good food and the reality that some people don't have the same access to food as others.

Stay tuned for the grand total of money raised...

Saturday 31 October 2015

Our future selves!

The students share their dreams about what they would like to be when they grow up! They finished the sentence, "Quand je serai une adulte j'aimerais devenir ____________"